Emotional Intelligence Tips & Resources

Ho Ho Ho, Boo Hoo Hoo Dealing With Mixed Feelings at Holiday Time

Are you getting ready for the holidays? This can be a fabulous time of year. The general mood is one of goodwill and celebration, where family and friends come together with loving feelings. It is also a spiritual time. Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the Hajj (the great pilgrimage to Mecca), and the winter solstice are all celebrated at this time of year. The fact that it is a worldwide holiday time adds to the sense of connection and sentiment.

STEP #1 in Managing Conflict

In order to manage conflict, you need to know whether or not what you have before you is really conflict? Too often, the word conflict is applied to a situation where what’s actually happening is disagreement, or missing information, a misunderstanding, or someone is...

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Step One For Women Leaders: Embody Your Value

Along with other members of ICF-SF Bay Area Coaches, I recently had the honor to provide Spotlight Coaching sessions to attendees of the Watermark Lead On Silicon Valley Conference for Women. Many of the women wanted help with taking the next step in their career....

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How to Express Anger and Not Get Arrested (Part 3)

Continued from Part 2... If you aren’t able to directly express your anger, it's important to not hold onto it. Write it out, express it in meditation, talk it out with a friend, or do something creative with it. Just don’t repress it. Repressed, or stuffed, anger...

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How to Express Anger and Not Get Arrested (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1... How to Manage Your Anger Let’s look at the steps you can take to effectively get angry in a healthy way: Get to know your body’s experience of anger. Your body doesn’t necessarily know if your life is in danger, it just feels some sense of...

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How to Express Anger and Not Get Arrested (Part 1)

The Anger Myth One of the most misunderstood emotion in society is anger. I have had more than one client come to me because they were afraid of ‘losing it’ at work, and thus losing their job. They were very angry at circumstances in their workplace, but had no idea...

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