Uncover the secrets your emotions hold that will radically improve your life. 

Reframe your relationships and unlock new levels of success and joy. 

Learn how to fulfill your deepest gifts and capabilities.

“Working with Joie changed me in so many glorious ways, I can honestly say the abundance of goodness

and happiness in my life today is due in no small part to our work.”    R.L., Entrepreneur

In the Workplace

At Home & Community

With Difficult People

 It’s not about fixing you. You are not broken.  But constraints put upon you by others and society keeps stunting what’s possible.

Did/do you feel unseen by those around you? Unvalued? Unacknowledged?

Do you see how to make things better, but no one is listening?

The most profound relationship you have is with Yourself. When you are present with and understand your emotions, you deepen that relationship, become more self-loving, and safely interact with others with greater truth and authenticity.

Emotions are the guide to that deep place. They are one of your greatest assets when you know how to work with them.

Put it to the test

5-Steps to Prepare for Difficult Conversations

Get a free cheatsheet to preparing for difficult conversations plus keep an eye out for an email with 5-minute guided visualization for the most important step.


Too often, emotions are seen as a weakness. This label cuts you off from the profound power they hold for making the best choices and creating healthy relationships.

Master Your Emotions and get more of what you want

Sadness, fear and anger can be profound allies for healing, peace and wholeness. Learning to understand their innate purpose  empowers you to make good choices.

 Draw from your Emotional Toolbox to handle any situation

Stay calm, safe and present with whatever challenges arise. Learn accessible easy-to-use tools to handle any situation, with any person.

Expand Your Career and Creativity

When you harness your emotional power, and take appropriate actions, your world will expand and so will your impact. The Seldon System teaches you how.


Success Stories

Health Care Industry

“The first one-hour session with Joie was amazing. She was able to verbalize what I needed, put it together, and tailor what she said to what I needed to hear. It was very effective. It was a light bulb moment.”


C.G.*, Healthcare Industry

*Safety is key to transformation. Client identity is kept private due to. the intimate nature of the work.


Banking Industry

“I came to improve my job performance and to learn to control my anger and anxiety in the workplace. Now I’m calmer and more poised, when leading my teams, and my ability to communicate with my peers and boss has improved tremendously. I have also had great gains in using Joie’s strategies and approaches in my interactions with my aging mother.”


T.S., VP Fortune 500 Company

Technology Industry

“When I came to Joie, I was afraid of getting fired because I thought I’d blow up one day from stress and frustration. Since working with her the benefits are amazing. When people around me are stressed out and drenched in politics, I am in awe of my new approach. I can sit in the midst of chaos, with a caring attitude but without drama touching me.”


M.M., Senior Project Manager

Your emotions are an asset, not a liability

So often women either suppress their emotions at work, or are judged because they let their emotions get the best of them. Joie’s Seldon System method and Emotion Toolbox teaches you how to manage your emotions and take appropriate actions so you are seen, heard and valued for who you are and what you have to offer.

Author, EMOTIONS: An Owner’s Manual

Joie Seldon, MA

Over 20 years ago author and trainer, Joie Seldon, set out on a quest to learn how to master emotions to transform relationships and life circumstances. Her decades of experience, education and experimentation resulted in a practical and highly-effective training model known as The Seldon System that has helped thousands of executives, directors and professionals become the leaders they were meant to be.


Years of

I work with smart, accomplished, yet often frustrated women who struggle with self-defeating

internal dialogues or lack of knowing how to advocate for themselves effectively. 

Start Here

Schedule a Consultation

Build a Foundation

Understand how your emotions can be assets, rather than liabilities, and learn how to harness their value. After all, life is richer when you feel it!

Live Life to the Fullest

Free yourself of the past and the old paradigm that no longer serves you. Put on the mantle of your Soul Self and experience more joy in your life.

Do you have a question? Ask Joie.