An Owners Manual

You were born with emotions, but you weren’t given an owner’s manual. Now there is one that will empower you to move through life with a powerful set of tools for every situation.

Available in print, kindle, audiobook on Amazon


Let me ask you a question.

What are emotions? Do you know?

Emotions play a major role in our lives, yet most people I talk to don’t know what they actually are, let alone just how profoundly they impact every choice we make and action we take.

It’s hard to know just how to express yourself honestly. We’re afraid of hurting someone’s feelings or getting in trouble in some way. But, then we suffer because we have this energy of unexpressed feelings and ideas trapped inside.

This book offers easy to understand science-based information plus exercises to help you manage difficult emotions, communicate effectively and release emotionally charged experiences from your past.

Emotional Trainer, Executive Coach

Joie Seldon, MA

Over 20 years ago author and trainer, Joie Seldon, set out on a quest to learn how to master emotions to transform relationships and life circumstances. Her decades of experience, education and experimentation resulted in a practical and highly-effective training model known as the Seldon System that has helped thousands of executives, directors and professionals become the leaders they were meant to be.


Years of

Emotions: An Owner’s Manual is a real-world approach to emotional intelligence that will help you:

  • Improve relationships
  • Advance your career with integrity
  • Diminish stress and handle challenges with greater success
  • Access your innate wisdom and function at your highest level

“I fell in love with this book the moment I opened it. I really appreciate how Joie took a pretty big subject and distilled it down to an easy yet information-filled read. I have sticky notes and highlights throughout. I’ve recommended this book to clients and continue to reference it during presentations. Every professional woman should read this book!”

Akanke Adefumni,
Founder Women Player Bigger in Business

Great for Teams

Available on Audible

Available in both audio and written forms, is full of super-practical, foundational information and simple exercises, processes and guided meditations that will change your life.

“This book transformed my life. Challenging situations with an aging parent and dealing with a difficult co-worker we’re keeping me from enjoying work and my personal life. I had put my personal goals and needs aside and didn’t have the tools to manage the emotions that these situations raised. The book helped me manage my parent’s expectations effectively. The techniques are empowering especially the “3 Balls” method in Chapter 6 for managing Fear. A must-read for anyone who wants to be more powerful in the moment.”

Christina Swider,
VP Fortune 500 company

“I have always thought that each of us should come with an Owner’s Manual. This book lays the groundwork we need to understand ourselves and our reactions to the world. I was shocked to learn that anger erupts when our boundaries are threatened. With this simple piece of knowledge, she opened the door to recognize those boundaries, reframe, offer others feedback, and learn to express ourselves more clearly. Joie’s book gives you the ability to explore your emotions and includes many simple exercises (like the “Screw You” Letter) to rid yourself of unprocessed emotions. Plus, it’s a joy to read!”

Karen F Cornwell,
Author of You Can’t Fix What You Can’t See: An Eye-Opening Toolkit for Cultivating Gender Harmony in Business