Joie Seldon

Guide, Mentor and Emotion Enlightener Synergizing mind, emotions and creativity

Joie’s mission is to teach women how to harness their emotions as a tool for success, build healthy relationships and fulfill their potential. Drawing from her background as a career development and life coach, professional actor, acting teacher and somatic therapist, she has a keen understanding of human motivation and behavior.

Her decades of experience, education and experimentation resulted in the creation of a practical and highly effective training called The J.O.I.E.* Method, a system for harnessing emotions as a tool for success. In-person and in her instructor-led online course, “Emotions at Work,” she has helped thousands of executives and professionals successfully navigate challenging situations and advance their careers.

She has presented to worldwide audiences and for years served on the board of ICF-SF Bay Area Coaches. She holds a Master’s degree in Somatic Psychology. She has coached leaders at Wells Fargo, Dolby, Project Management Institute, Blue Shield, AT&T, and more.

*Joy of Integrated Emotions

“Trying to lead without Emotional Intelligence is like trying to drive with your parking brakes on. You can do it, but you’re not going to get very far.”

Joie Seldon
Author, EMOTIONS: An Owner’s Manual


The J.O.I.E. Method

Build A Foundation

What are emotions? How do they function? We all have them, but few know how to fully access the information and guidance they provide. Learn how to work with your emotions to reduce strife and stress while accessing your innate wisdom.

Master Communication

Once you can be present with and understand your feelings, you need to express yourself. Doing that in ways in which you are truly heard and understood is another key part of success and fulfillment in the workplace.

Thrive in Relationships

Change is inevitable, and challenging personalities will always be part of work-life. Emotional agility is key to dealing with all kinds of people. The J.O.I.E. Method deepens your ability to be flexible, creative and in integrity with your values.

Do you have a question? Ask Joie.