The Impact of Personal Trauma at Work

California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris wants to screen every child, before they begin school, for trauma. Studies have shown that untreated childhood trauma can inhibit proper brain development and cause life-long health problems. Dr. Harris offers her...

Courage And Your Feelings

“I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.” Brené Brown One of...

Now What? Post Election Choices

As I write this, it is November 6th, election day in the US. It is hours before the results will be in. Even though you will know the results by the time you read this, I want to ask the question “what’s next?” before I know how things turn out. Whether...